
Iyengar Yoga Video Vhs


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Yoga And The Good Samaritan
...ssion. These are not physical qualities, but would you choose to spend your time learning Yoga from someone who is an unethical brute?Many of us have heard, or read, the Parable of the Good Samaritan. If you are unfamiliar with it, you can refer to Luke 10:25-37 from the New Testament. When the man asks Jesus how to obtain eternal life, Jesus tells the Parable of the Good...more
Making Money as a Yoga Instructor personalities, so it's important to have patience and compassion.Many certified yoga instructors choose to teach part time, while keeping a day job. This gives them the flexibility they need, at the same time that they are bringing in extra income. It also keeps them in great shape as they are teaching.Y...more
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - An Historical Text
...nslated “power.” The roles of the sutras in this particular book are to describe and help the yogi to achieve full awareness through yoga. It is essentially about attaining higher levels of awareness of one's self.Finally, the Kaivalya Pada means, again in Sanskrit, “isolation.” What this book is really about, though, is achieving liberation, according to the ...more
Why Should I Practice Yoga Postures
...e that there are still many people who would like to be convinced that they need yoga. In case you are one of these people, this article was written for you and presents the reasons why a regular practice of yoga postures may be just what you need.The major argument in favor of yoga practice is that it is one...more
Practice Yoga for Anxiety Relief
...s use 21st century jargon to give you a clear picture. Yoga is an ancient, but constantly evolving, science of life. The Yoga practitioner “reprograms” his or her thoughts.Your mind is your best friend, and your worst enemy, at the same time. When you attend Yoga classes regularly, under the guidance of a comp...more


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