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Yoga for Weight Loss: What You Need to Know to Succeed (part 1)
...Inhale and bend back as much as possible bending the spine to the maximum.8. Exhale and lift the body of the floor. Keep the feet and heels on the floor.9. Inhale and bring the right foot along the level of the hands; left foot and knee should touch the ground. Look up, bending the spine slightly (same position as #4)10. Exhale and bring the left leg forward. Kee...more
How To Ease Back Pain
...Using Yoga for Round Bodies:The tape I recommend is "Yoga for Round Bodies". However, you don't have to be round. You also don't have to be in shape. It is not the least bit glitzy. No one wears neon pink leotards. You won't be made to feel bad. You won't have to do things that are uncomfortable. You won't do anything th...more
Successfully Eliminate Stress Through The Practice Of Hatha Yoga Techniques
... the body is shaped into a perfect receptacle for spiritual elements.The ‘asanas’ and ‘pranayamas’ are used to power the energy channels called the ‘nadis’. The ‘asanas’ help to develop will power, concentration and self-withdrawal, and enable the practitioner of Hatha Yoga to move closer towards Samadhi, which is the...more
Designing a Plan to Become a Yoga Teacher, Part 2
...on to both lists. At least, make it a point to read Yoga books and watch Yoga DVD’s. Audio books are handy too.What is your estimated time frame to become a Yoga teacher? All you have to do is pencil in a realistic deadline. It does not have to be tomorrow and the idea should not create any stress. You should have fun, and “...more
Yoga Isn't Just For The Younger Crowd - Find Out How Yoga For Elders Is Becoming More Popular
...g yoga can be replaced by other methods such as weight training and mild jogging, etc., but not the breathing aspects of yoga for elders. Breathing is something we are not even aware of for most of the day but it is the one activity that is keeping us alive!Yoga breathing techniques can improve energy and concentration and are heavily relied on in yoga practices. Since people average...more
