
Beginner Positions For Yoga


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How to Choose a Yoga Mat
...ure over time. Now, it won't fall apart like that "other brand" of paper towel on the commercial, but don't expect it to last very long if you practice yoga with any regularity.Rubber Yoga MatsThis is the best type for the environmentally-conscious money saver. They are sturdy yet inexpensive. Rubber is a replaceable resource, but be sure your mat isn't made of synt...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: Is a Hatha Yoga Teacher a Karma Yogi?
...onaries in their time, politicians, public servants, social workers, teachers, or something similar. There is one common thread, beside selfless service; it is the need to contribute to change for the purpose of justice.So, how could a Hatha Yoga teacher become a Hatha Yogi? Hatha Yoga is union by physical mastery; and in some parts of the world, concern ...more
Using Breath to Deepen Your Yoga Practice
...give yourself an energy boost.Another important aspect of breathing in yoga has to do with the fact that the brain's pulse is connected to your breath rather than to your heartbeat. Altering the breath therefore alters your brain wave patterns, which is important in meditation but also for getting a feeling of relaxation and energy from your yoga p...more
The 4 Paths of Yoga
...r restraints (Don'ts) are divided into five moral injuctions, aimed at destroying the lower nature. They are - Ahimsa or non-violence , Satyam or truthfulness , Brahmacharya or moderation in all things (control of all senses), Asteya or non-stealing , Aparigraha or non-covetousness. Niyamas - or obs...more
Hatha Yoga
...e onto its work.The word asanas literally means "comfortable or stable positions". There are multiple asanas and they are practiced with two objectives in mind. One is to condition the body to enable it to hold a particular asana for an extended period of time. When the body is in this resting form the mind is able to move into a meditat...more


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