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Benefits Of Yoga For Pregnancy some yoga asanas and breathing exercises which would help in having smooth delivery. But before doing any of these exercises consult your doctor.Yoga helps in avoiding high blood pressure and also tries to control your weight. Breathing exercise is very easy and can be easily done and one should avoid too many jerks and jumping in this condition. Some of the poses or asan...more
Universal Principles of Yoga, Part 5
...a class. This is neither right, nor wrong, but most Hatha Yoga students are not usually pursuing a spiritual transformation process.As a side note: Kundalini has taken a few verbal assaults, from religious fundamentalists, for being a bit mystical and a little harder to understand. Based upon my own experience, Kundalini Yoga sessions will purge negative energy from your mind and bo...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: Help! My Students Do Not Want to Practice Pranayama
...Vinyasa style Hatha Yoga class with Ujjayi Pranayama synchronized into her flows.She starts with a brief five to ten minute meditation before postures, but she has a five to ten minute Pranayama segment before the conclusion of her Vinyasa Yoga class.One of her more radical students has decided to publicly challenge the value of Pranayama in her Yoga classes - stating that, “You do not have to...more
Yoga Pilates Basics can be as many as five hundred exercises that can be performed by using only five chief instruments. Each pose of yoga has great significance similar to its Pilates equivalent. The important yoga Pilates basics that one must master are movement to and fro from center and revolving around center.Maintaining good health and proper we...more
Are DVD's on Pilates and Yoga Worth the Purchase?
... both related forms of exercise. It will be safe to say it will be an excellent choice if the goal here is more of physical improvement versus spiritual enlightenment.After browsing through amazon’s site, in regards to using a DVD or video on yoga and pilates, there honestly are several choices one could pick from....more


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