
Kram Yoga Larchmont New York


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Benefits of Yoga
...of the chaos going on in our minds.Yoga benefits are a sense of remarkable calmness... a positive outlook on life, which also benefits the physical health of the body.Stress impacts us physically and emotionally. Yoga helps to relieve us of our stress. The end result is a balanced body and soul.The various poses performed...more
Yoga Is Good For Anyone!
...Patients with heart conditions who practice yoga are able to recover better and faster from heart attack or stroke.• Better functioning of digestive system, thus improving bowel movements and increasing metabolism.• Stimulates various organs and glands.• Strengthens joints, tendons and ligaments. This lessens arthritis pain.• Increases strength, e...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Creating a New Reality
...hical and positive? What are your unique life skills? Can you visualize the outcome of your objectives? How much control do you have to determine the future?It is important for you to reflect on these questions, because you can carve out your own path in life, with your vision. This is a Yogic exercise in self-realization and transformation.Whatever you...more
Yoga - A Path To Peace
...urse, eating and food. As the only dietitian in the group, eventually (as always seems to happen), the topic turned to dieting and weight control.Several of the women had been on and off Weight Watchers for years. It is a terrific program and the women liked going to the meeting for the support and encouragement, ...more
Namaste Yoga For Healing And Health
...ed at the end of a session because the mind and body are relaxed and detached. This is also in keeping with the fact that it is a gesture used in saying hello or goodbye.Generally, the Namaste yoga practice is used in conjunction with other yoga practices. For example, a group could, as a sign of respect, hold the hands to together and bow the head to each other. Then, the group...more
