
Iyengar Yoga In New York City


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Iyengar Yoga In New York City Information


Kriya Yoga And The Nature Of The Journey
...eaches certain spiritual and esoteric principles. Unfortunately, like many similar "spiritual" power structures, it teaches you that essentially your power lies outside of yourself - that is, that you need a 'guru', or 'master' to access your own innate spirituality.Kriya yoga has some aims which sound both appealing and promising. ...more
What's the Best Program to Get Certified to Teach Yoga?
...tion workshops for all levels of trainers, so whether you're just starting out or you've been teaching yoga for years, you can find courses and workshops that work for you.Seems like they might be worth the investment, money and time wise and personally, maybe I could beat my friend into getting the certification and teach what ...more
Purpose of Yoga - Reasoning With Fundamentalism
...ook was used to justify intolerance. Fundamentalists have left a legacy of hate for anyone who wants to read a history book. Beware of the holy man who condones hate, violence, crime, and killing - for he is not holy at all.Now, getting back to Yoga - It is true that Yoga develops the entire being by enhancing physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual heal...more
Yoga Poses That Might Provide Natural Allergy Relief
... more time to learn as the rhythm of the breathing takes practice.If you want to see how these moves are done and make sure you are doing them correctly you can watch a free video at Natural Allergy Relief. Its always better to see something demonstrated than to try and do it from reading a set of instructions. Its import...more
The Heart of a Yoga Practice: Dedicating Your Efforts
... that it is not just about you anymore. Dedicating the practice to something greater than yourself is what draws the distinction between just doing exercise and practicing yoga.These days, it seems that the mention of dedication, or devotion, can be a tricky subject in yoga class. People tend to be unresponsive when the idea of the divine is mentione...more


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