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Kids Yoga: A Solution to Global Obesity in Children did massive numbers of obesity get here? How can less physical activity in children be acceptable? How could Kids Yoga be a solution?Parents today have less buying power than our parents had. Many children are shifted from school to day care, while both parents are working extra hours to support the family. Many of today’s meals are composed of processed foods -whether...more
Male Enhancement and Alternative Therapies
...ive alternative therapies to treat the human being not only in the body aspect, but mental too. Designed scientifically to improve the human being in an integral way, their methods have been proven during many years in the West, and seems to be, that they are of very good in help you with sexual problems, such as impotenc...more
Defining Yoga
... never get boring. As your flexibility increases, for example, you'll find yourself moving to a whole new level on many of the positions. In this way, yoga is non-competitive, and even liberating in it's devotion to the teaching that no one is better than anyone else. Everyone just does the best he or she can do.Yoga and SpiritualitySome yoga classes will include a strong s...more
The Spiritual Art of Yoga
...nduism, Buddhism and also Sikhism as well as Jainism. Although the early Christians also knew and taught about the teachings of karma they were the esoteric groups like the Gnostics, the Essenian teachings and the Rosicrucian's. Even in today's Christian bible you can read the phrase "What you sow you shall also reap" meaning what you sow or do you shall reap or e...more
Yoga Instructor Ethics
... eliminate, altogether, the importance of ethics, philosophy, and spirituality, which have been a part of yoga for its 5,000 year history.Without the ethical, philosophical, and spiritual elements, the complete benefits and true core of yoga are missing. The same can be said of actions taken by yoga instructors that...more


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