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Time to Practice Yoga
...nough time. Would you like to have more time for your family, Yoga practice, and some quality time, in your life? Maybe, work keeps you too busy, from doing the right things, for yourself, and your loved ones. So, what can you do?After all, you need to put food on the table and work is a priority. In reality work is only a part of li...more
The Secrets of Karma Yoga to Obtain Your Life Goals that are liberating or binding that are considered to be karma yoga jobs. To be successful in karma yoga, you only use your hands to work as your mind is always fixed on the feet of the lord and not on the consequences or results you anticipate on completing your job.With karma yoga, it is important that you have the right motive to your jo...more
Patanjali's Eight Limbs of Yoga
...Patanjali, in the Yoga Sutras, are a system of steps toward absolute bliss or enlightenment. The first four limbs (steps) are primarily concerned with ethical guidelines, developing awareness of the energy body, and physical mastery.The last four limbs are concerned with development of consciousness through meditation. The physical body is a capsule for the soul (Jiva). The p...more
The Basics of Yoga
...metabolism and that aids in burning calories. Yoga also helps to strengthen and tone muscles.Anyone can do yoga, regardless of age. Women who are pregnant or nursing can do yoga, as well. It is important to consult a physician prior to beginning a yoga regime if injuries, spinal problems, or other medical ...more
Yoga and the Breath
.... When you breathe in, your stomach puffs slightly because your diaphragm is filling with air. When you breathe out, your stomach flattens as your diaphragm empties itself of air. When you breathe, be sure that your stomach is moving, that you aren’t restricting this movement in any way.* It’s important to relax every muscle in your chest, your face, you...more
