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Lose Weight with Yoga
...orders such as anorexia. There are several reasons why that approach is effective. First, anorexic girls feel anxious if they can’t exercise, as many of them used over-exercising as a means of weight control. Once they are in treatment, of course, they can’t be allowed to jog or do other exercise that might prevent them from making progr...more
Using Yoga To Loose Weight
...hat is caused by the environment. This also means the calories you take in. yoga will also help to raise your metabolism and this is what is needed to help you to loose weight.There are still some that do not go with the idea that yoga does not provide what is necessary for helping a body to loose weight. They say that even if the yoga is do...more
Emotional Awareness Through Yoga Spirituality
...e your level of achievement.Remember that 'knowledge is power'; so once you know who you are and what you can do, you find it possible to play an important role in what you intend to make of yourself. There is no fixed time for you to turn to yoga and spirituality to walk the spiritual path; now is the time for you to remember that your s...more
OM - What It Is And How To Use It In Your Yoga Practice
...nifest aspects of God or the Unknowable.OM is actually not a word, but rather a sound, more like music. OM is believed to be the sounds of the world and contains within it all the other sounds in the world. OM is a prayer or a mantra in and of itself. When OM is repeated with a proper intonation, it resonates through the body so it penetrates into one's ...more
Questions about Yoga Teacher Training via Correspondence
...her Training via Correspondence Recently, I spoke to a Yoga teacher intern about Yoga teacher training correspondence courses. He had six years of formal training with a master Yoga teacher (Guru), and currently, lives outside of North America. This interview will help to put some light on Yoga teacher training by correspondence.Q: Will a ...more


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