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How Yoga and Cycling Fit Perfectly Together
...athing deeply, slowly, and by mentally directing the oxygen and energy toward my legs, lower back, neck, or triceps I can reduce the pain and suffering and increase the effectiveness of racing techniques.As I mentioned earlier, in Colorado we ride a lot in the mountains and they present a whole host of problems to a cyclist’s body. We climb to absurd heights, descend at rid...more
Nude Yoga Teaches You to Be Comfortable With Your Body and With Being Naked of liberation, most Europeans feel comfortable in their body. And, it does not phase them to look at a naked body. They are accustom to seeing their moms, aunts and girl friends topless at the beach. The European way of relating to the body is natural and embracing. Studios offering naked yoga classes are bringin...more
Insights into the Benefits of Yoga
...d contain many references to a higher power and to the practice of Yoga.On the physical plain, Yoga has shown incredible promise in treating and managing many illnesses. The practice of Yoga has a number of physical benefits for practitioners. It facilitates flexibility, and assists in the lubrication of joints, tendons, and ligaments....more
Basic Yoga Relaxation Techniques
...n your knees and form a circle with your thumb and index finger. Keep the remaining fingers straight outward.Another common technique that can help you relax and de-stress your body is called "alternate nostril breathing." It is, of course, performed by breathing through one nostril at a time. In order to do this, use your thumb and the little finger of your right hand...more
Why Yoga is a Good Revenue Stream for a Martial Arts Studio
...en offer a kids Yoga class.Ten years ago, Cardio Kickboxing was a big draw in the martial arts studios. Then fitness centers got into the act with super cheap prices. Yoga, like martial arts, is not a cheap activity. With fitness centers closing left and right, the fitness industry knows they have cut their own throats, with cheap prices, and little...more
