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What is Patanjali's Ashtanga? Yoga Part III
...ion of all. Mind can be a good servant, good friend as well as good master. So in Dharana one learns how to hold mind firmly for own liberation.After Dharana comes Dhyana(meditation). In Yoga meditator, meditation and the object of mediation are one. Because the aim of Yoga is to realise the true self. In Dharana and Dhyana mind should be fixed at Ajna Chakra in between eyebrows(trikuti...more
Benefits of Chair Yoga - Part 4
...ealthy mind.For those clients who are confined to a chair, it is wise to include some form of a weight bearing, or weight resistance, exercise program. For those who can stand, Chair Yoga is another weight bearing exercise that will stimulate bone building.With progressive weight resistance, you use free weights or machines, but with Yoga you bear ...more
Hurricane Power Outages and Yoga
...yourself 1000 miles away but no hotel rooms available, then it might behoove you to learn yoga.Some people do not like Yoga but that's only because they've never done it before or perhaps they are in fear of bending themselves at all those weird angles. It kind of looks like it hurts doesn't it? But rest assured yoga does not hurt if you do it correctly ...more
Yoga For Multiple Sclerosis
... Yoga significantly reduced fatigue in people with multiple sclerosis. Data and studies regarding Yoga therapy for Multiple Sclerosis are scarce, but physical activity is definitely important for anyone with MS.What is Multiple Sclerosis and how can Yoga help? Multiple Sclerosis, also known as MS, is ...more
In the Presence of BKS Iyengar
...d teachings, his keen observations, and his deep sense of compassion and wisdom. I am still puzzling over his comment that we either breathe and draw oxygen from our brain or breathe and draw oxygen from our lungs.Mr. Iyengar is no doubt a living master who has reached out and touched so many, often giving them back their lives after illnesses and injury. For those of us who have seen him in ac...more


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