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Raja Yoga, The Royal Road to Enlightenment
... mind involved. It should consequently show the great benefits, both in the material and in the spiritual worlds, of Raja Yoga.Purpose of Raja YogaRaja Yoga, formed into a definite system by Patanjali 5,000 years ago, concerns itself primarily with the stilling of the mind to allow for Cosmic openness. This is achieved by sitting in a cross-legged position repeating a mantra, a word o...more
Yoga Invigorates Your Sex Life
...folks with the sole purpose of enhancing sexual drive. But Yoga never advocates excess of sex. It sticks to the conventional concept of sex that the act of sex is primarily meant for procreation.Among various types of Yoga, Tantra Yoga is said to be very much linked with sex. Tantra Yoga was a preferred practice in ancient India to better you sexually. Ancient Ind...more
Three Great Benefits of Yoga
...ial part of yoga. This aspect alone will have a great impact on your heart health and your sense of well-being.Second, a good yoga session can raise your heart rate to the level necessary to achieve an aerobic benefit from it. Third, yoga makes you happy and happy people are healthy people. It's true!Higher ConsciousnessRegardless of who you a...more
Yoga for Fitness
...form. You will learn the basics, including proper form, basic poses, meditation and relaxation. Ashtanga is popular, but it is not challenging. Once you have developed your regular practice, you will want to advance to other forms of Yoga.Two very popular forms of Yoga are Bikram and Power Yoga. Both of these forms are ...more
The Health Benefits Of Yoga
... of this effective habit. The stuff yoga does is harmonize the mind with the body and this is what produces the real quantum benefits.It is nowadays an open secret that the will of the mind has enabled people in general to accomplish bizarre physical feats, which beyond doubt demonstrates the mind and body connection.In fact, Yoga = meditat...more
