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Tips For Stress Relief - Solid Advice For Harmony And Relaxation
...u want your life to be made up of the good or the bad.Think about the news in the papers and on television. We feel totally hooked to the soap opera that is life. And most of it is pretty bad - you hear all the time about war, famine, terrorism and more.Take my advice and avoid the news. How much of it really affects your life anyway?Take control of your life and elimin...more
Diabetic Students and Yoga - What to Expect
...ctivity.These positive impacts are very encouraging; however, diabetic students must regularly monitor their glucose levels and take proper medication. It is likely that, after practicing Yoga on a regular basis, the amount of the required medicine will decline.Many diabetic students may not be aware of the potential decrease in the...more
Jnana Yoga - Intellectually Becoming God-Conscious
...ations of the body and is really a part and an expression of the universal "I", or God.Thus, it can be seen that Jnana Yoga helps the aspirant by first appealing to his intellect, valuable for those who are very intellectually oriented, but then it helps the aspirant transcend his limited intellect by becoming aware of the Co...more
Defining Yoga
...ition to the physical poses. This may mean chanting or meditation, or sometimes a spiritual reading. This will depend on the yoga tradition in which the class teacher has been trained. Typically gym yoga classes concentrate on the physical aspects of yoga. Even so, many students find themselves more open to spiritual exploration because of their yoga studies. Others simply ...more
Yoga Instructor Training - Yoga For Cancer Recovery
... There are many types of cancers, and what may benefit one recovery, or individual, may not be as effective in the case of another. That is why highly trained, and expert yogis, are so important for therapeutic yoga and cancer recovery. Knowledge of particular healing or therapeutic properties, of each posture, breathing method, and other yogic he...more


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