
Yoga Dvd S


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Yoga Helps You Lower Blood Pressure
...ure.Other helpful asanas are the supine poses, like Supta Baddhakonasana, which relax the abdominal region and have a calming effect on the nerves, facts that lower blood pressure.There are also recommended for those who need to lower blood pressure, the inversions, such as Halasana and Setubandha Sarvangasana, which have a refreshing effect on the nerves and reduce the symp...more
Introduction to the Science of Kundalini Yoga
...athing exercises), bandhas (body locks), mantras (sound vibrations), mudras (hand positions), laya yoga (yoga of rhythm and sound), mental focus and meditation to do their work.Dynamic movement and asans bring expanding and contracting pressure via multiple angles to various areas of the body, this is accompanied with powerful pranayams, the combined effect of which is that the target regio...more
Universal Laws of Yoga - Part 1
...ronounced within a group of Bhakti Yoga practitioners.To put it simply, Yoga is the union of mind, body, and spirit for complete health. There are far more benefits to be realized through the constant practice of Hatha Yoga, or any other kind of Yoga, but this is the foundation of “unity.” Physical mastery is constructive and...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: The Philosophy of Abundance
...of practicing Yoga for abundance?The reason is quite simple: Most people think of material wealth first. Why? This is an example of survival instinct, and money is a part of survival; but there are many more types of abundance for Yoga students to learn beside money.Physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional abundance are worthy of note, but the desire for...more
Teaching Yoga for Stress Management - Where to Begin
...nd. When we perceive a threat, our brain signals the adrenal glands to send, adrenaline and noradrenaline, to our heart, which increases the blood flow to the muscles.This, in turn, gives instant power to the muscles. At the same time, the breath rate is accelerated to bring more oxygen to vital areas. In terms of survival, the mind and body are prog...more
