
Yoga Cl San Beuno


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How could a Shy Person Become a Yoga Teacher?
...nto any of us, but what about obstacles which hold each of us back. A shy person may want to become a Yoga teacher, but how can he or she develop the voice of a Yoga teacher?For an aspiring Yoga teacher, shyness is like a prison which stops him or her from life’s rewards. This person knows what to do, but feels serious anxiety when having to address a...more
Building Stronger Arms Through Yoga
...hrough your T-shirt sleeves, I will say you will see an increase in arm strength and endurance that may not occur in perhaps other forms of exercise.Moreover, some basic Calisthenics like Push-ups, the Plank and the Dive-bombers do borrow heavily from Yoga.In my opinion, if one is looking to increase strength in the arms through Yoga, the best exercises to focus on will be the one and only ...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: The Value of Props
...i Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Prenatal Yoga, Chair Yoga, and many more Hatha sub-styles. To be honest, the Yoga mat is a prop. It was not that long ago when Yogis did not use Yoga mats. Why reject progress being made by some of the most innovative minds in modern day Yoga?One mistake that most Yoga students and Yoga teachers make is thin...more
Coping With Pregnancy Back Pain
...he. Hormonal changes during the early part of the pregnancy other contributory factors for the back pain. The other characteristics of pregnancy such as loosening ligaments between the pelvic bones and joints in preparation for the birth of the baby and urinary infection also contribute to back pain.You need to distinguish between back pain and sev...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Blissful Aging
... praised for its anti-aging effects. Seniors often remark how good their joints feel after a session of Hatha, Kundalini, or Chair Yoga. Yet, the phrase “anti-aging” is sometimes connected with scams and “quackery.”In contrast, Yoga was intended to find the bliss in life right now. You do not have to wait until a certain number of years to go by, before you join “the blissful living club.” Nev...more
