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The Foundation of Martial Arts: Yoga
...tion in motion.The place of origin, for most Asian martial arts, is agreed to be the Shaolin Temple. Apparently, the monks at the Shaolin temple had become very proficient at meditation, but had not developed a health maintenance system to sufficiently train their bodies.In the sixth century A.D., Bhoddidharma, a visiting Buddhist monk, from India, began to teach the mon...more
Yoga: One Reason You Should Not Do Yoga Posture – The Plank
...dy starts to shake, release the posture, relax for a moment and start to hold the Plank again.Mostly the Plank targets the abdominals (muscles responsible for holding in the stomach and giving the appearance of a flat stomach), but it can be an excellent way to get a full body challenge. In order to do the Plank properly, there must be integration of all the core stabilization muscles, and...more
Practice Jnana Yoga for Optimum Mental Health
...oga has been around for thousands of years. The Brahmin caste would have had more access to Yogic philosophy, and the scriptures (Vedas), than the average person, at that time.This same parallel can be made to any holy man of any religion. Access to written knowledge, books, and Holy Scriptures was not common place, in any religion, hundreds ...more
Pain Management - Ayurvedic Way
...ic herbalized oil massages helps in loosening impurities that are embedded in tissues and helps liquefy them for easy absorption into the circulation and eventual elimination of pain.2) Proper NutritionAyurveda advises a easy to digest and a satisfying and nourishing dietary approach that improves the digestion along with ayurved...more
Using Yoga To Improve Your Health And Save Your Time
...ral actions like boating or rowing to the posture a peacock assumes, a lion assumes etc. these postures, along with breathing in and out are known to create certain vibrations in your body, that bring out the overall vitality of the spirit.The famous Surya Namaskar or salutations to the Sun-the giver of light, energy, warmth, wisdom ...more
