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Which Type of Yoga is the Right Choice for You?
...ype of yoga combines postures with specific breathing. Its purpose is to release the Kundalini energy that is housed at the base of the spine and allow it to move upward. Its ultimate goal is spiritual enlightenment.Kripalu This style of yoga is meditation in motion. Its goal is for the individual to gain a deeper inner awareness and to nurture a relationship with his or ...more
Chair Yoga Case Study - A Path to Inner Peace in their own words? Hi! I’m Michael. I’m a 40-year old graphic designer in Kansas City. I have multiple sclerosis. I began practicing chair yoga a few months ago. I had tried some yoga videos at home but they were not interactive and had nothing to do with proper breathing techniques.Chair yoga ha...more
How To Lose Your Love Handles
...plans and is helpful in combating all the causes of obesity and excess weight accumulation. Why? Because yoga is not a conventional sport or exercise. Yoga is a system of personal transformation on all levels, physical, mental and spiritual."The Yoga Weight Loss Secrets" course will show you how to do physical exercises and med...more
Healthy Mind & Mind With Yoga
...ent for blood and oxygen. However, practitioners of Yoga have found the reverse to be true, instead of feeling strained; each and every muscle of the body is relaxed, even as the requirement for blood and oxygen goes down. Doing Yoga Asanas, you will find, also reduces the strain on the mind, which becomes stable and focused. As well, the body twists and stretched postures impro...more
Promoting Your Website Through Writing Articles
...e it a live link. This means even if other sites strip out html you will still have a link.c) Vary links. Don’t always use the same resource box. Google likes natural links. Change the anchor link text, link to different pages. Don’t just link to the homepage. The key is variety.d) Putting links in the main body of the article will reduce the chance of i...more
