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How Yoga and Cycling Fit Perfectly Together
...iently in the thin oxygen and focus on narrow roads while descending.During a yoga session we learn to balance on one foot with our arms extended over our head in the tree pose. Poses like this help you have real sense of your body, gain stability, strength, and a quiet focus on your physical condition. This all translates extremely wel...more
What Is Yoga?
...called) believe in reincarnation. They believe that what kind of life one is reincarnated into (including whether one becomes another human or an animal), is dependent on the spiritual results of the actions in one's past life, called Karma. The aim of Karma Yoga is to free ourselves of carrying bad karma into future incarna...more
Yoga Bolsters mind when purchasing a bolster is that you generally get what you pay for. If you purchase the cheap generic brand, you will get cheap and generic results. It is best to pay a little more for something that will last longer and be more effective.Another thing to be wary of are Yoga bolsters that are ...more
Yoga To Avoid Lenses
...ya increases stability and concentration of the mind, strengthens the optic nerves, and corrects weakness and certain disorders of the eyes. It cures insomnia if practiced at night before sleep.5. To correct your eyesight, practice nadi shodhan (alternate breathing) pranayama. Always start and end with the left nostril.6. Blinking your eyelashes frequently moistens the eyes and gives the eye...more
Yoga for Hair Loss Prevention
... the answer. According to some yoga gurus, there is little solution for hair loss problems in western medicine. Hair loss in men & women is a universal phenomena caused by hereditary problems, poor diets, stress etc. Only one western prescription product minoxidil has some acceptance as a cure of hair loss. However minoxidil has little or no effect when there is actual baldness rather than ...more
