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Yoga Ethics For Instructors
...o allow students to seek, and find, solutions to their own needs, in the learning process. Instructors must not focus on their own desires; otherwise, the growing process of both the students and the instructors will be stunted.The nature of a yoga class is intimate. There is a great deal of focus on the body and opening of the body and a measure of physi...more
Positive Practice - Support Yourself With Quality Yoga Accessories
...straps, yoga bolsters, yoga pillows and yoga blankets. In the case of yoga blocks, these are used to prop yourself up to reduce the risk of over-extension and a resulting injury. Yoga straps are great for beginners and people who can't stretch very far, a yoga strap enables them to stretch farther or hold limbs when they wouldn't have been able to without a strap....more
Zen And The Art Of Golf
...elings has a lot to do with our swing. If you have a good swing, and negative thoughts, you still will not play good golf.Most players are distracted and not totally concentrating on their shot at one time or another. Each time this happens, you can lose a stroke or two. If this happens only 4-5 times a round, it could add a ...more
What is Patanjali's Ashtanga? Yoga Part III
...comfortably and motionlessly. Then one should practice Pranayama by keeping mind on the movements of breath across the nostrils. After half an hour in Pranayama, there is cut off in inhalation and exhalation. Mind and Pranabreath for practical purpose) become one and motionless. In this state one should practice Pratyahar.Patanjali describes - when...more
Office Yoga - Four Physical Techniques for Corporate Yoga
...atural slouching from staring at the computer monitor.However, this back bend should originate from the center of the back. Care should be taken to avoid jamming the low back and to avoid hyper-extending the neck. People with back and neck problems should consult their physician before practicing ...more
