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Calf Soreness Can Result From Sciatica
...t be practiced regularly for an extended period of time to be of significant benefit.However with regular practice, yoga can reduce both the pain and the number of flare-ups. For calf soreness, a qualified yoga instructor can suggest specific postures and movements that will relieve sciatica pain and promote long term relief.Typically this will be accomplished by addressing...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: My Yoga Students Do Not Want to Meditate
....Apparently, there is a lack of interest, and this would leave most Yoga teachers discouraged. However, these same Yoga students love Asana practice. They state that meditation is boring, and they could be doing something useful instead.What can Yoga instructors do, to explain the mental benefits of meditation? At this point, ment...more
Yoga Accessories- Getting What You Really Need
...hat will bunch up or create a distraction. For instance, oversized, loose fitting tee shirts can fall towards your face during some inversion poses and cause you to pay more attention to whether or not anything is showing, than to the actual asana. If you are taking a class, your instructor might want you to wear something form fitting in order to check...more
Yoga Teacher Training: The Spiritual Aspect of Yoga
... Sutras. In a 200-hour Yoga teacher training course, “The Hatha Yoga Pradipika,” by Swami Svatmarama, (which was written in the 15th century), might be skimmed over or not mentioned at all.Since its beginning, approximately 5,000 years ago, Yoga has been attached to Hinduism. (Hinduism is the oldest of today’s major religions.) T...more
Yoga And Meditation Go Hand-In-Hand
...s and wellbeing); - the solar plexus chakra (pancreas / digestion and energy); - the sacral chakra (groin / sexuality and reproduction); - and the root chakra (adrenal gland / basic fight or flight instincts and kundalini awakening).Another study is the Raja relaxation technique tradition (the "king" of yoga or "royal ...more
