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Teaching Hatha Yoga: Prana and Pranayama
...e time - at the atomic level. In fact, your Yoga mat is full of open space at the atomic level. Electrons are flying around in many open spaces within your Yoga mat.On the other hand, we are born, live, and die, on planet Earth, a moving object, which does not appear to be moving at all. The universe is infinitely vast and infinitely small, at the same time. Prana is the power behin...more
Establishing a Strong Foundation - Beginner Poses in Yoga
...s known of yoga at that time as part of an extensive education in Hindu philosophy. It is also very likely, given the rapid growth of Buddhism after his death and before the Bhagavad Gita was composed, that Buddhism had some influence on that work. There is a considerable overlap between the Hindu yoga tradition and Buddhism.************************************Besides these two base poses, a comm...more
Foundations of Yoga: Yama and Niyama, Part 1
...ion to practice yoga." Mere desire and aspiration for the goal of yoga is not enough, so he continues: "The qualification is not simply that one wants to practice yoga, for the sacred text says: 'But he who has not first turned away from his wickedness, who is not tranquil and subdued, or whose mind is...more
The Health Benefits Of Yoga
...y and spirit which can lead to an feeling of boundless joy that you can only feel through Yoga.Although this may sound quite abstract in a very "hippie-flower-power" kind of way, it is very beneficial in order to maintain emotional balance - something that is getting harder and harder with the pace of our modern society.As it...more
The History of Yoga
...the first comprehensive guides on yogi. The book, called Yoga Sutra, was created approximately 2,000 years ago. This collection still serves as the basis for most forms of yoga practiced today.The Yoga Sutra outlined the eight limbs of yoga as follows: the yamas (restraints), niyamas (observances), asana (postures), pranayama (breathing), pratyahara (withdrawal of senses), dharana (concentration),...more
