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Just What are the Benefits of Yoga?
...ed as "union" or a method of discipline. Its ultimate goal is the union of man with God or the universe in one breath. Furthermore, it aims to liberate the spirit as the mind and spirit are equally involved in its practice.Practitioners of yoga speak of a unification of the body, mind and spirit achieved through the practice of yoga exercises and breathing techniques. ...more
Yoga and Pregnancy
...igeon, Triangle, Warrior II, and Knee to Ankle.Second Trimester?Are you a Yoga enthusiast and want to continue to do your practice while pregnant? Yoga can continue to be practiced during your second trimester with just a few precautions.By the second trimester, your morning sickness should be over and should be feeling better.If you haven't yet started a yoga yet and wish too, and y...more
Time to Practice Yoga
... eating, and using your computer. Exercise should be part of everyday and you should be conscious of your nutrition at all times.Consuming eight glasses of water per day minimum is important for digestion, elimination, your skin, your vital organs, and removing toxins. Please spare the excuses - many people have no probl...more
Yoga Stories - The Yoga Energy Arose In Me And Asked Me What I Wanted
...ey.I was suddenly nostalgic for the yoga community I had known from the yoga retreat that I had lived in for ten years.The nostalgia intensified and there was a rising of energy within me. I became aware that I could make a worthy wish and it would be granted. It was as if there were an energetic window that had opened and spoke to me..My wis...more
Yoga: Poses And Postures
...lex positions—without which many Yoga poses would be virtually impossible to hold.This is one of the most well known Yoga postures. However, there are many. Including, as I mentioned before, many floor Yoga poses. Focus and breath—this is how you remain in any of the Yoga poses.One example of the floor Yoga poses is the snake:1) Lay flat on your stomach with your hand...more


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