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Free Yoga Classes: A Lesson for Yoga Teachers
...lly give away a week or month. The word “Free” is often associated with “junk” or “stuff.”If you want to give something away free, develop a comprehensive handbook for your Yoga students, give them a music CD, or a Yoga mat, as a bonus for signing up.If enough Yoga teachers give away free classes, we will depreciate the value of Yoga lessons – then, asking you to teach ...more
The Truth About Christian Yoga
...his practice began when monks read from the scriptures. In fact, many ministers, monks, brothers, and priests, continue to meditate. So, is meditation evil?Some point to the meaning of the word Yoga. Yuj is the root word for Yoga, and there is a much deeper meaning. The Yuj, or Yoke, was used to tie two wild horse...more
The Health Benefits Provided by the Practice of Yoga actually has its health benefits. After completing a yoga class a lot of people agree that they tend to feel full of energy, happy and peaceful at the same time. How can yoga promote these feelings and help the body heal on its own?Yoga allows you to be more aware of what your body can do as well as its movements and alignment. Back pain is one of the most common reasons why people tend ...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: Prana and Pranayama contain Prana? How could ancient Yogis know of the existence of Prana about 5,000 years ago?We cannot visibly see vital energy? None of us can see the mind create ideas either. Yet the mind creates ideas, and we put them into action, with our voice and hands. So, Prana is not an object.We cannot see a Yoga mat move, but it is moving all the time - at the atomic level. In ...more
Live In The Present, Not The Past Or The Future
...e were in the path, that we survived with the important things on our list still intact. Imagining ourselves in such drastic situations can help with setting or fine tuning priorities.Yoga practice helps too. Our practice of asana and breath control is calming and serves to focus the mind. All of us reading ...more
