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Yoga Mat Bags
...n.Yoga mat bags are used for carrying the yoga mats around. The yoga mat can be folded or rolled up and put into the bag for easy carrying as well as storing. These bags are very stylish-looking and are very easy to carry. They can accommodate even a 100” mat. They are also perfect for traveling and keeping the mat clean and protected.Yoga mats come in many styles, depending upon the size, ...more
Yoga For Health
...lating breathing. It keeps the body healthy and the mind calm. 5) Pratiyakara: This refers to the withdrawal of the mind from worldly affairs and the control of the senses. 6) Dharana: This is the art of concentrating on a specific object. 7) Dhayana: Deep meditation. 8) Samadhi: This is the highest state of yoga where, one's consciousness ide...more
What Is Ashtanga Yoga?
... stressful and happy.The eight limbs which signify Ashthanga Yoga are1. Yama - It reflects the moral and ethical grounds of human behaviorAhimsa: Non-violence Satya: Truthfulness Asteya: No stealing Brahmacharya: Celibacy Aparigraha: Non-covetousness or Envy or possessiveness2. Niyama - It reflects the disciplines one...more
Yoga Blankets For Comfort And Warmth
...gainst the cold and a warm feeling.It also helps in avoiding the neck and shoulder strain when you are doing the shoulderstand. You can use the stack of blankets to increase your height. There are different kinds of blankets to be used according to your needs and wants. These are machine washable to make your work much easy. Most of these blankets are made from natural materials. ...more
Beginning Yoga Breathing - All You Need To Know
...a breathing. It works in a different manner. Here you stick your tongue out a little and then softly curl the sides of the tongue up. Now, start inhaling through your mouth.Yoga exercises are fundamental to the breathing work that you do. In any type of session, you will be taught the fundamentals of breathing. This is due to the simple fact that it is the source of life. It is es...more


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