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Giving to Charity
...wards you have seen, since you started practicing Yoga.I will leave you with a short story and something to think about. Last Christmas season, a man, who was dressed as Santa Claus, worked outside a local store with a legitimate charity's sign and donations bucket. Many people, including me, gave to him.Within a few days, local police had chased this man through the p...more
What is Self Mastery? - Part 1
...ll feel better about yourself.If you don’t have enough time for three types of exercise - practice at least one that will give you maximum benefits. Hatha Yoga, swimming, and martial arts are good recommendations, as each of them cross trains the body with fair variety.In many Yoga classes, Sun Salutati...more
Chair Yoga Case Study – Relief of Asthma Symptoms
...ional yoga class than to tell it in their own words? Hi! I’m Sandy Rabinoff. I’m a 71 year-old grandmother and collection agent. I have been practicing chair yoga for nearly three years. I had seen an article in the Kansas City paper one Sunday and it sparked my interest about the program.I had taken “regular” yoga classes and enjoyed them but was having trouble keeping up with the class due...more
The Essence of Karma Yoga
...r takes an active part in the world, not for earthly fame or gain, but to bring about a more divine life on earth.The secret of Karma Yoga is detachment. This means an aspirant is not attached to the result of his actions. He takes both failure and success with the same equanimity. This means he is not bloated with pride at success; nor does he despair when outwardly th...more
Beginner Yoga Poses
...ead pain as well as back pain.Birds Wing pose is great for beginners, intermediate or advance. Other poses you will hear are Happy Baby pose, Standing Yoga Mudra, Downward Facing Dog Plank, Cat Cow Pointer Sequence, Cobra pushup with Roll, Saw, Reclined Twist, Twisted Root, Teaser Prep, The Curl, Prone Gluteals, Swimming, Warrior I, Warrior II, Bridge ...more


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