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How to Become a Yoga Instructor - The Inside Story
... much information as possible on the subject. Look for books about teaching yoga online, at local book stores, and at your local library. Also, ask a current yoga instructor for their advice on the subject. They can help you find the facts you need to choose a preparatory program. They may even offer to be your mentor....more
What Should a Hatha Yoga Teacher Know? – Part 4
...ll be felt and seen. This same student will most likely practice Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Raja Yoga or other forms of Yoga “down the road.” The benefits of Yoga, in any form, will cause a student to go deeper into his or her personal Yoga practice.Yoga teaching methodology is how a teacher re...more
Establishing a Strong Foundation - Beginner Poses in Yoga
... knees some.************************************Did you know?Buddha, who is estimated to have lived 563 to 483 BC, is believed to have studied what was known of yoga at that time as part of an extensive education in Hindu philosophy. It is also very likely, given the rapid growth of Buddhism after his death and before the Bhagavad Gita was composed, that Buddhism had some influence on...more
What is Yoga is Yoga Yoga is very much known as the path to enlightenment of the soul.To achieve this goal one has to attain the union of mind, spirit and body.Yoga comes originally from the Hindu philosophy. The word is derived from the sanskrit word 'yeung', which means to join.There are various paths the yoga apprentice has to follow to find spiritual insigh...more
Useful Information About Tantra Yoga
...l an amazing renewal and acceleration of spiritual awakening through the practice of this form of yoga.An essential part of Tantra yoga is the overcoming of bad habits including such things as smoking, excessive drinking and overeating. As a way of helping you to give up these sorts of self-destructive habits, Tantra helps to expand your consciousness and believes that ...more


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