
Living With Aids Yoga Video


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Kriya Yoga - Brief History
...mation. Yet it is odd that not a single master or illuminated soul ever contradicted or denied this information.Moreover, any accomplished master, and I mean by that one that has received the blessing of Samahdi, will tell you that you can find out for yourself by going into Samahdi where you will know all knowledge, see all things and...more
Weight Loss and Yoga
...oga instructors with inadequate training. Many gyms employ yoga teachers with no more than a long weekend of formal education in the instruction of yoga.Students overeager to "achieve" poses their bodies aren't ready for. As a culture we are obsessed by being more successful, rich, and beautiful. Unfortunately this spills over into yoga when students try to force their bodies...more
The Diamond Pose - An Essential for the Yoga Beginner
...s digestion.3. Vajrasana is a very important meditation posture, as we can sit with an erect spine comfortably for a long time. This is a very good pose for people suffering from sciatica and sacral infections.Here's how to get into this simple pose.TechniquesSit on the floor with legs stretched forwar...more
Hatha Yoga for Stress Management: Creating Your New Year Yoga Plan
...will cause you to open a form of consciousness, which will improve your daily life.In order for us to make changes, we must first want, plan, observe, take action, and practice Yoga each day. Yoga is not a physical exercise to be counted by the minutes you practice on a Yoga mat. Physical exercise is just one aspect of Hatha Yoga.To bring your life in balance, you must identify what you do that ...more
Protecting Your Yoga Teaching Business
...itigation and Yoga? The old saying, “the truth hurts,” applies to legality, ethics, and teaching Yoga. You can always “bury your head in the sand” and hope that you are never involved in a legal battle. After all, what kind of a student would sue his or her Yoga teacher? Doctors must ask each other this question every day. Sorry, but denial wi...more
