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The Roots of Hatha Yoga itself, is rich with hints of Hinduism. Perhaps the oldest religion in the world, Hinduism is a religion based on acceptance, building its foundation on a plethora of text and scriptures. It aims to teach people mystical truths, while providing guidance on how a person can grow to become morally, spiritually, and physically whole. Hinduism also believes the “He...more
What is Patanjali's Ashtanga Yoga? (Part-II) of these is brought under control, others will come under control automatically. In Asana, body is kept motionless and as a result Prana(breath) and mind are brought under control. When everything is brought under control and becomes motionless, one feels the bliss of soul or true self.Pranayama(breath control)For common understanding...more
Yoga: Three Reasons You Should Not Do Yoga Posture - Half Spinal Twist
...tion of hatha yoga practice.The spinal twist simultaneously stretches the muscles on one side of the back and abdomen while contracting the muscles on the other side. The compression of the spine improves nutrition to the inter-vertebral disks and squeezes blood out of the internal organs of the abdomen and pelvis, improving circulatio...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - What Do Hatha Yoga Students Want?
... which is categorized with Tai Chi and Pilates.With that said, beginner students, with little knowledge of Yoga, have the perception they are entering an exercise class. Their reasons for coming to a Yoga class differ greatly. The main reasons for beginning Yoga practice are: Weight loss, weight control, stress management, low impact exercise, or pain management.Notice that ...more
Have You Ever Considered Trying Yoga?
...tes, but as you continue practicing over a few days, you will be able to sit better, longer, and your back will be much stronger for it.Exercising in the home can be done in the living room, or in the basement, even in your own bedroom. What you need is a space that is about five foot square so you have a fair bit of...more
