
Yoga Teacher Certification Houston


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Yoga Teacher Certification Houston Information


What is Yoga?
...ght the terms asana and yoga to mean almost the same thing.Yoga is an all encompassing system of exercise that creates a healthy mind, body and spirit. Breathing, meditation, healthy eating, and positive thinking are just some of the activities that have a beneficial effect on people that perform yoga. Yoga brings emotional and physical health...more
The Importance of Yoga and Character Development in ADD-ADHD Children
...n excellent tool to promote focus, redirect movement and center children through relaxation techniques such as breathing. It has been our experience from teaching many children over the years that children with attention disorders respond very positively to yoga and appear calmer after each class.However, there are other very important ...more
5 Tips To Gaining Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) Through Practicing Yoga
... that can be gained. However, your yoga practice is a great place to develop a positive mental attitude (PMA). I want to share with you some ways to achieve PMA through practicing yoga:1. always say thank you for the opportunity to practice yoga 2. breathe positive thoughts into every cell of your body 3. bring your mind’s eye into every pose to see your body perfectly aligned 4. let ever...more
How to Use Yoga to Alleviate Stress
...s us to create balance; to know our bodies, to recognize when we are not balanced both on and off of the mat. On a purely physical level hatha yoga creates strength, flexibility, grace.Yoga helps to unlock and release tensions before they can accumulate over time and become chronic physical and psychological conditions. As we release physical blockages,...more
Just Being - Redefining Strength During Pregnancy
...e entire class would be focused on drawing strength into each pose. At first I didn’t think this would be a problem but as the hour and ½ class kept going, I began to see my pregnant body fighting me. I could no longer hold poses I once was very good at doing. I could not keep up with the pace of the class and I constantly needed to modify a pose or simply rest. By the end of the class...more
