Yoga Tantra

Az Tantra Yoga Massage


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Importance of Controlling Your Mind
...ince ancient times, the human philosophers have realized the importance of mind in governing the human affairs. They knew that a person’s external circumstances were the result of his internal thoughts. They were aware that if the person thought riches, he would be riches, while the thoughts of poverty, success and failure would produce the corresponding effects in...more
Benefits Of Padangusthasana
...h would help in recuperating your tired body. The less stress you give to your important organs it would work in a better fashion and helping your health.With the improper diet, many of us suffer from gastric and indigestion problems. As we do not take care of our health and does not even look at the warning signs our body sends to us. This exercise helps in removing the bloating feeli...more
Breathing Exercises For Asthma
... the lungs in patients. Pranayama is an effective breathing technique of yoga that helps to maintain relaxed and controlled breath. Pranayama is a sanskrit word meaning "control of the life force". To achieve control over the life force, two steps are to be followed - control of the body through postu...more
The Link Between Yoga, Mindfulness, and Weight Loss (Part 2)
... it a pleasant experience, together, at the kitchen table.Your inner self or self is sometimes called “atman” or “jiva.” This is the “creature” imprisoned within all of us. We all enjoy eating and want to savor every earthly pleasure to its fullest, but mindfulness makes us aware of much more than consumption of food and earthly ...more
History of Yoga
...lassical period and modern period. In the history of yoga, the book is called the yoga sutras. The history of yoga would not have been completed in the classical stage of yoga.The word Yoga literally meant the Yolk that joins something together, such as an ox to a cart. The idea is that yoga unites all aspects of being in...more


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