Yoga Tantra

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10 Benefits For You With Yoga Fitness you with the positions, poses and postures.Yoga fitness is designed to benefit your body, mind and spirit. Once you start practicing yoga you will become aware, after a short time, that piece of chocolate cake will not be as appealing as that lovely piece of fresh fruit. As your body adjusts to the new routines that you learn at your yoga fitne...more
Getting Started With Yoga
...ded to join one of the many basic courses available in health clubs, gyms and community centers everywhere. If you don't want to join a group and in stead prefer to do it in the privacy of your own home there are numerous DVDs available on the market. Don't be put off if you see your instructor carry out some seemingly back-braking stretch...more
Using Breath to Deepen Your Yoga Practice
... more energy and vitality into your life.To yogis, the most important place where we take in life force energy is through the nerve endings in the nose, so it is vitally important to breathe in and out through your nose whenever you want to give yourself an energy boost.Another important aspect of breathing in ...more
Yoga at the Office: Improving Your Body and Mind
... if you are just sneaking in an asana here or there as an excuse to take a much needed, and necessary, rest. Because sitting at a desk can be monotonous, it's easy for your body to adapt to the monotony in the form of a cramp or an ache. Sometimes we get caught up in what we are doing that we forget to take a conscious breath, to open the body thro...more
Using Yoga To Loose Weight
...he bending, inversions, twisting, and others are helpful for loosing weight. These particular exercises are a good way for you to stimulate the body’s endocrine system. They will help raise the metabolism which will help you to burn more calories than before.When you complete the poses of the sun salutations, camel po...more
