
Yoga Positions Images


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Getting Started With Yoga
...some sources. Many of them have very interesting names, such as the One Legged Pigeon, the Sun Salutation and the Spinal Twist, to name just a few. The purpose of these asanas is to increase flexibility which in turn opens up the flow of energy through the body. They also aim to put pressure on the internal organs in the body, thus improving their efficiency.The art of breathing correctly...more
Meditation through Yoga
...ds great truth and advice especially for the over-worked, over-stressed citizens of the modern world. We fill our days with fast paced activities and chores that lead to frustration, increased weight, and depression. Trying to cram too many activities in each day can have disastrous effects. Many ask how they can ward off the ill effects of stress. Besides ...more
Patanjali's Eight Limbs of Yoga
...sory demands, for pleasure. Transcending awareness beyond the physical senses grants us peace with ourselves.If the general population of this planet would follow ethical guidelines, and transcend their awareness beyond the physical barrier of the body, we would have world peace. Just to listen, observe, and act, guided by our empathic sense is a good start tow...more
Strong Meditation from Yoga
...ith your body and be able to see yourself for who you truly are instead of all the junk that surrounds you. You will be able to find joy and happiness by using the senses of the mind instead of the human ones. You will never move away from the truth and will find that once you are in touch with the truth will want to...more
Novice Guide To Yoga
...e embarking on any new healthy health exercise regimen, such as yoga.Beginning Yoga Beginning yoga is much easier today, thanks to the major interest in yoga over the last few years, more and more yoga classes are being started. The first step in beginning yoga, is to decide to start! At this point, most people may wonder if they have what it takes to start yoga, what will be involved etc...more
