
Guide To Yoga Positions


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Yoga Can Help to Avoid Cancer
...ation is generally very difficult. However, as such researchers as the renowned Australian psychiatrist Dr Ainslie Meares have discovered, the key to an effective and positive mental concept and change is lies in our ability to release stress. This is done by practising conscious relaxation which in turn helps us to reg...more
Yoga Ethics For Instructors
...s, in the learning process. Instructors must not focus on their own desires; otherwise, the growing process of both the students and the instructors will be stunted.The nature of a yoga class is intimate. There is a great deal of focus on the body and opening of the body and a measure of physical, mental, emotio...more
Yoga -- For Relaxation -- For Relaxation People practice yoga for a variety of reasons. Many yoga practitioners are interested in the health benefits that come from regularly performing the routines. Others want a state of harmony between inner and outer self. Still others practice yoga primarily to relax.A State of HarmonyThe profound relaxation available through yoga includes a state of clarity of mind, and of...more
Kriya Yoga - Brief History
...ecomes eternally free who, seeking the Supreme Goal (Samahdi), is able to withdraw from external phenomena by fixing his gaze within the mid-spot of the eyebrows and by neutralizing the event currents of prana and apana within the nostrils and lungs; and to control his sensory mind and intellect; and to banish desire, fear and anger."The Bha...more
Yoga -- For Relaxation
...ged breath one learns through yoga helps the brain stay oxygenated, which contributes to mental clarity. Diet influences the structure of our body as well as our brain. The exercises (called asanas and pranayamas) were developed thousands of years ago to produce beneficial results.To have the desire...more


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