
Pilates Yoga With Jami Gri


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Six Branches of Yoga
...s almost completely the Hatha yoga branch, and Westerners find mental and physical comfort in the first branch alone.2. Raja YogaRaja and Hatha Yoga are highly interrelated. Raja means "royal" in Indian, and in the royal tradition, this branch of yoga has eight included branches as follows:- niyama - self discipline - asana - positions - pranayama ...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - Physical Limits of Yoga Students
...sical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health, which will result in finding one’s true purpose in life.When we find our purpose in life, we find self-worth. Now that you have seen the formula to self-worth, you must realize that none of this can happen if we are struggling back at “square one,” dealing with our ego.Adults who cannot suppress their ego are often in touch with their inner child, ...more
Are You Lacking Concentration and Discipline In Your Life? If So, Try Yoga for More Focus
...n you apply that philosophy to your world outside Yoga, you can add meditation to achieve a calm mind to work your way through a problem at work or home.When you think about it, Yoga has been around for thousands of years and is still a viable solution to staying healthy, physically and mentally; there must be some positive rewards to the practice that keeps attracting followers. No...more
Thai Massage Berlin: Introduction to Thai Massage
.... These gentle movements, intensive stretchings and the rhythmic way of breathing are an important characteristic for Thai massage. Another characteristic is the pressing of energy points and the treatment of reflex zones. In this way the inner organs, nerves and glands are promoted in their function. Another part of...more
Building Stronger Arms Through Yoga
...rd Facing dog meets Cobra Pose repeated in sequence) for an occasional source of variety in working out, these same Sun Salutations increase my endurance to be able to perform a good amount of this Yoga-esque exercise.That considered, in addition to the Sun Salutations (24+ rounds) the other poses one should focus on for inc...more


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