
Pilates Versus Yoga


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Knowing The Yoga Exercise Ball
...n references were made regarding these balls. They are usually called exercise balls, stability balls and balance balls. Physical therapy, Yoga, Pilates and other workout techniques use them to blend in with the routines. Health clubs and many professional and elite athletes practice with them in order to develop coordination.Who ...more
The 8 Physical and Mental Types of Yoga
...tra yoga: Mantra yoga is known as the "yoga of potent sound". Mantra yoga aims at liberation through the verbal or mental repetition of empowered sounds, such as "om," "hum," and "ram."Viniyoga: Viniyoga yoga links breathe and movement in flowing exercises that are modified to each individual. Viniyoga is a good form of yoga for those with back problems or neck injuries because it ...more
Perform Random Acts of Kindness
...or us all!There are few endeavors we can undertake in this life that leave everyone involved better off for having been present. Random Acts of Kindness certainly fit that bill. Now, let's all commit to going out and making some people happy who may not be expecting it from us. Just think how much go...more
The 4 Paths of Yoga
... Pranayama form the part of Raja Yoga known as Hatha Yoga) Pratyahara - withdrawal of the senses in order to still the mind. Dharana - concentration. When Dharana is achieved, it leads to the next step: Dhyana - meditation. When mastered Dhyana leads to the last step: Samadhi - the superconscious state. In Samadhi...more
Knowing The Yoga Exercise Ball
...abilize themselves in many of the poses they would be required to perform.The wheel posture or the Chakrasana is a pose that could not be held by everyone. However, with the use of the Yoga exercise ball and a handy wall, it is made possible for everyone to perform it. Beginning students of the Hatha Yoga can achieve t...more


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