
Calories Stretching Yoga Pilates


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Yoga Teacher Training Aspects - Class Presentation
...t), and be wearing the proper clothing to teach a Yoga class. You should have a class lesson plan in your mind. Lesson plan notes seem to take away your students' confidence in you. Students should have a perception of confidence in you and your teaching method.You should respond to questions. One stu...more
The Purpose of Yoga- Character
...s you should be learning from your Yoga teacher are the foundation of good health. If we cannot sleep well at night because of guilt, envy, or greed, this will have an adverse, and possibly a long-term, effect on our physical health.It is obvious that our mental, physical, and emotional health will be improved by good character, but it can also be said that our physical heal...more
Communication Skills for Yoga Teachers
...simple, and you may find the question is much deeper than you originally perceived.Another mistake some Yoga teachers make is handling a question defensively. Your student thinks enough of you to ask for your opinion and is interested in your answer. If he or she had no respect for you, your opinion would not be import...more
Reduce Your Stress with Yoga Breathing Exercises
... all parts of your nervous system, including your brain. Medical studies have shown that stress, and the reduced oxygen intake it causes, are a leading factor in cancer, heart disease, strokes, premature aging and other diseases.Breathing also affects our ability to think clearly, by increasing the oxygen that gets to our brain. A small increase in ...more
Should Yoga Teachers Be Marketing Themselves?, less pain, self-confidence, less anger, better physical health, improved emotional health, and better mental health.There are many books on the benefits of Yoga, so my list is quite modest. Let’s look at just one benefit of Yoga. Would you rather have more pain or less? Pain is the relationship you never wanted. Once yo...more


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