
Denise Austin Pilates And Yoga Trainer


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Tips For Choosing Yoga Training Courses
... the many courses offered.There are more styles of yoga available today than there has possibly been ever. Some represent a continuation of older traditions, that are relatively unchanged. This includes hatha yoga, and styles by Desikachar and Iyengar. Others represent a synthesis of different methods, even whilst being shrouded in mystical origins. For example, some have suggested that A...more
What Is Power Yoga - And How Does It Differ From Ashtanga?
...ition, and self-power, straight away, by pacing themselves through a class. It's a case of not trying to keep up with the "yoga Jones'"!The defining difference, is however, the focus on developing a sense of one's personal power, and all that entails - overcoming self limitation, and coming to terms with one's own hidden potential. In a very modern way, it seems to capture the essence of...more
The Yoga Way to Health and Well Being
... a distant object. This allows your eyes a moments rest from glare and a change of focus. Look left and right, up and down at least 5 times, blink at least 8 times to moisten your eyes and if it is at all possible, rest your elbows on a comfortable surface and close your eyes whilst covering them with the palm of your hands. If you can incorpor...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Holistic Health
...a narrow-minded view of Yoga, as a stricly physical recreation, similar to gymnastics.Recently, I was addressing an audience in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, about the benefits of Chair Yoga. One member of the audience raised her hand and asked, “What is the most important physical exercise in Yoga?” My answer was that if you are only looking at the physical aspect of Yog...more
Yoga Brings Relief For Irritable Bowel Syndrome Sufferers
...espiration.One of the major benefits that yoga can help in relation to IBS, is helping to stabilize the digestive system. It will do this through stretching and relaxing the muscles that are part of the digestive system. The more you are able to do yoga, the more you will have a combination of relief and balance in your body. Through the different movements, you...more
