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Using Yoga Meditation States To Create Your Dream Life
...practice of this technique to achieve the ultimate purpose of it.The meaning of Yoga Nidra is "Yogic Sleep". When you practice this technique, you are in state of conscious deep sleep. There is a difference between regular meditation and Yoga Nidra. In the former, you are in waking conscious state and can focus on your mind, letting thoughts, images, and sensations to come and go....more
Tips On Getting The Most Out Of Corpse Pose In Yoga
...h the abdomen during shavasana should not be forced. It should be relaxed and natural. But start 'where you are', and let your breathing settle as the experience of the posture deepens. The rate of breathing will slow down the more you become relaxed.Try not to fall asleep during corpse pose. When we sleep, the motor neurons in the...more
How to Practice Ashtanga Yoga
...ey lower stress and tension in our lives.The other four steps can't be practiced. These steps are about creating optimal conditions that provide you with true meditation. The fifth step is known as the pratyahara or a withdrawal of your senses. What this step helps us do is maintain attention and prevent us from being distracted from our essential...more
How to Become a Successful Yoga Teacher
...luence is a part of teaching Yoga. Therefore, never misuse it and never take advantage of your Yoga students, family, or friends. However, if you see an opportunity that will help the common good, never avoid using the influence you have acquired.About money: Some people think, “Money is the root of evil.” I totally disagree because money is only a commodity, such as energy. I...more
Getting Kids Involved in Yoga
...dren that exercises and entertains them as well. Yoga will also help children reduce the stress and tension in their lives that is caused by different situations such as school, peer pressure, competitive sports and having a busy life. With yoga children have a healthy way to deal with difficult problems and solve them too.In the past it would be inconceivable to think of se...more


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