
Institute Iyengar New Ny Yoga York


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Power Yoga: Great For Core Fitness
...ts, and the training involved can actually be quite intense.Yoga is not only about calmness and relaxation. When I speak of power yoga, I’m talking about using yoga as a means of achieving fitness, especially core fitness--that is, exercising the central muscles of your body, as opposed to focusing on your arm and leg muscles. Power yoga has the benefit of givin...more
Yoga, Diet, & Fitness - How Do They Relate?
...r two big meals a day. This will help increase your metabolism.Fitness - Exercise is also essential to being healthy increasing your fitness level. In addition to becoming physically fit, exercise can increase self-esteem and improve your mood. During exercise the body produces endorphins. Endorphins are natural chemicals the body c...more
Bored With Your Exercise Routine, Give Ballet Booty Yoga a Try
... variety and they do not like to do the same routines again and again. Many of these types of people are turning to Ballet, Booty Yoga.At first, people are intrigued by the name. It is catchy and just saying it can make you smile. Then when we see the movements, we want to try them. Once we try them, we find we like them and we like their challenge.If we continue using ...more
...rcise that almost anyone can do. Swimming is another one. You need a little training, but almost anyone can get some good exercise in a swimming pool.It’s good to keep an eye on that body fat ratio. I didn’t totally understand this one until I did some research and asked my doctor some questions. One good article is at It tells you the different ways to mea...more
Three Reasons You Should Not Do Headstand of equilibrium and well-being and it increases memory and concentration.The Headstand inverts the pattern of blood pressure in the body – increasing it in the head and dropping it in the feet:The blood pressure at the top of the head increases from 100/60 mm Hg in a standing position to 150/110 mm Hg in the Headstand The blood pressur...more
