
Anxiety Yoga New York


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The Purpose of Yoga- Cultivating More Seeds of Success Tips successful, do not wait for opportunity to come “knocking on their doors.”This is a major shift in mind-set from the average person, because the average person hopes for an opportunity, instead of pursuing it. The difference between a seeker and a finder is very vast. The seeker searches for opportunities, but the finder locates them.So where a...more
The Five Yoga Techniques That Matter
...noise. Also, the sunrise and sunset hours are most suited to meditate.Besides these five common techniques, the Yoga Gurus or Yoga seniors also perform some exalted techniques. 1 of these is Hong-Sau. This technique focuses on the latent powers of concentration and helps to ward off any surrounding distractions, which may otherwise prevent you from fo...more
Useful Information About Tantra Yoga
...orce that is within your being. It is then that you should direct this love and all the devotion you can towards your dynamic body of light which represents your soul. You should feel an amazing renewal and acceleration of spiritual awakening through the practice of this form of yoga.An essential part of Tantra yoga is the o...more
The Spirit of Compassion
... life bestows upon us in every moment. Karuna Yoga, as I have pioneered it, is an invitation to open to pain, your own and others, without retreating or guarding your heart.We cannot, nor should we, feel responsible for making someone else's pain go away- for at times the struggle is part of the natur...more
Yoga Instructor Training - Mastering Your Communication Skills
... Mastering Your Communication Skills When you consider all of the aspects to learn during a Yoga teacher training course - the case could easily be made that becoming a masterful orator is secondary. After all, there are so many subjects to cover, when considering postures (asanas), yogic breathing techniques (pranayama), meditation, stage-by-stage relaxation, chakras...more


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