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Yoga: When Should You Consider a Private Lesson?
...should be easy for everyone to understand? There are so many Yoga books, containing detailed, full color pictures and loaded with content.At this time, it is easy to find audio books, DVD’s, and various video formats made by world famous Yoga teachers. The world of Yoga has changed from small classes, in a Yoga teacher’s home, to gymnasiums full of eager Yoga students.This is a g...more
Dangers of Kundalini Yoga
... self-realisation. Outer miracles and occult powers, which come from Kundalini yoga, do not help in anyway in our spiritual path of self-discovery. To achieve lasting peace, joy and inner happiness we need to conquer the ego and learn to communicate with God, our own soul. If we only desire occult powers it will slowdown a...more
Yoga in Practice: Ten Solutions for Depressed Yoga Students, Part 3
...tions for anyone to get rid of depression and gain confidence in his or her self, but these ten methods are familiar to Yoga teachers and most Yoga students. Yoga practice needs to be taken home, just like homework. If a Yoga student truly wants to see results, the practice of Yoga has to be maintained on a regular basis.Within Yoga are many facets, but all of them lead to good health...more
Yoga for Beginners: Stress Management Solutions
...problem.Your Yoga teacher talks about mindfulness and loving kindness toward others all the time. What can you do? Do not pick up the phone or try to handle this person’s problems. You have given this person advice and she refuses to listen.Your Yoga teacher has discussed “living in the moment.” Your objective is to make positive changes, now, for a brighter future. You cannot do that, if ...more
How to Find the Right Yoga Teacher?
...e “the stern, but loving parent” types. They will push you harder, but how much pushing do you really need?Respect is a two way street, and you deserve as much respect as your Yoga teacher does. Let common sense be your guide. You should feel good after a Yoga class, and you might even feel muscle soreness days after a vigorous class.Make sure your Yoga teacher meets the above criteria before mak...more
