
Yoga Mat Carrier My Mat Bag


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Allergies - Yoga and Lifestyle
...labhati breathing is great for allergies as it forces out the mucus.** Standing poses-forward and backward bends, and twists tends to massage various parts of the spine and the thoracic cage and condition the lungs.b) Lifestyle to be changed if one has a stressful job or home life. Meditation and relax...more
Is Yoga The Answer - Yoga The Medicinal Fix if you feel that you are experiencing anxious moments.Is Yoga the answer? Stress and anxiety symptoms can be sedated and calmed with the right treatment and medication - but any advice on what should be administered for easing these discomforts should be from a doctor or herbalist if you choose the natural way for help.If your health or that of your family is giving you r...more
Ripped Abs and No More Back Pain Series - Part I
...what about the activation of the glutes and hip complex and their role stabilizing the pelvis?- Yes, posture is very important and determines the athete's ability to activate and engage the appropriate musculature for specific movements. Bad posture will spawn dysfunctional and compensation. Pilates and yoga inherently promote better flexibility, but how much is...more
Ethics of the Yogis - Part 1 - Non-violence
...Ethics of the Yogis, will take an idea from Pirkei Avot, and look at how we might apply it to our yoga practice.Ashtanga means ‘eight-limbed’ and refers to the eight categories of principles that guide the Ashtanga yoga practice. The first limb, the Yamas, are moral codes that a core are “indicate how individuals should respond and relate to oth...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Blissful Aging Right Now
...s, whole grain breads, legumes, seeds, nuts, sprouts, milk, butter, cheese, herbs, and herb teas.Obviously, there are people who have allergic reactions to some of these foods. In this case, you should not consume them. Most common allergies would be to nuts or dairy, but allergies are serious and should never be i...more
