
Logo Yoga Mat


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Raja Yoga The Royal Science of Meditation
...t is highly desirable to be a pure vegetarian. Consumption of meat causes certain biochemical changes in the blood making it difficult to control the mind.Raja yoga is a scientific method of controlling the mind, reversing the flow of life force and experiencing our true nature. It is the greatest gift India has given to the world...more
How To Begin Practicing Yoga
...the class by leading the class in chanting om three times. Depending on the teacher, there may be a breathing exercise or short meditation when the class commences.It is followed by warm-up poses, then more vigorous poses, then stretches and final relaxation. At any time, return to Child's Pose if you need some rest.Sometimes, ...more
Starting Yoga - Why You May Want To Consider Yoga
...h most people have heard about Yoga, not so many know much about it. Many people just think of Yoga as flexibility training. Yoga is actually much more than that. It consists of all-around mind and body fitness training. Together your mind and body affect everything you do, so Yoga can help you with practically anything.Yoga takes a holistic approach to mind a...more
Yoga Instructor Training - Cultivating the Orator Within
...want to practice with an audio recorder to change the tone. Perhaps you are uncomfortable, when you initially teach, and it changes your tone, or causes you to speak faster. Slowing your speech down will require practice. You may also want to try meditation before teaching your classes.What can you do if your voice is too soft to carry itself across the room? In this case, you will have to r...more
How To Use Yoga In Your Weight Loss For Great Results
...t loss is the basic tenets of Yoga. It also increases your metabolism by increasing the caloric burning process. Using more calories than you take in is all the basis of weight loss. It will allow you to increase your ability to concentrate and focus.What regulates your metabolism is your thyroid. Thyroid is responsible for the chemical p...more
