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Improve Your Memory With Every Breath You Take
...eathe awareness, found that they experienced an average 87% improvement in spatial memory scores after only 10 days. Another study had 30 children practice yoga breathing for 10 days. The children experienced a 43% increase in spatial memory scores.Yoga breathing is easy to do and can be done just about anywhere at any time. The following is a simple nostril breathing exercise. T...more
Other Things For Yoga
...bout doing yoga is the way that you can use props for the routine. They will give you the ability to meditate and calm yourself. The props are necessary for the inner body and the mind. The props are a variety of things including essential oils, incense, jewelry, chimes, and others. Below is listed some of the props that are used for yoga and ones that you should thin...more
What Should a Hatha Yoga Teacher Know? – Part 4
...he qualities of a good Yoga teacher? There are many, but being able to spot students in need, and still show compassion, is very important. Being able to teach any student is another strong trait. The realization that each Yoga student is uniquely different from each other, and cannot be “cloned,” is a milestone in teachin...more
Treat Your Acne With Yoga
... one of those tips. It has to develop as your way of living.Yoga teaches you to life with an integrated approach. Correct living is yoga. Incorrect living is anti-yoga. The appearance of acne on the face of the teenager, apart from causing physical discomforts, leaves a deep emotional impact. That means, your mind is also disturbed or stressed. You feel bad about yourself....more
IBS Treatments
...merous ways to relieve the symptoms, such as making changes in the diet, religiously following any medication advised, regular exercising, and identifying stress factors and releasing stress.Before embarking on a treatment plan, some prescribed tests are first conducted on a patient to eliminate the possibility of any other disease....more


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