
Evening Yoga Relaxation Dvd


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Yoga and Circulation
...f paying attention, teaching people to look deeply inside themselves to achieve self-understanding and self-healing. It provides the body with a spiritual form of circulation. Yoga won’t prevent all disease, or guarantee that each system of the body functions properly forever. But, by maintaining proper circulation, physically, spiritually, and emotionally, Yoga makes it harder for illne...more
An Objective View of Yoga
...l integrate with other forms of Yoga and healing methods.Yoga teachers “spread the word,” but they must teach the more popular physical aspects of Yoga, if they want to keep their students. This is why many people get an incomplete picture of a complete health maintenance system for the three aspects of m...more
Another Reason to Get to Your Nearest Yoga Class
...fabulous for cultivating a calm mind and a healthy body. Now, studies are revealing that yoga may be a one of the most valuable answers to our society's greatest health disasters.A recent study in Channai, India has shown that a yoga practice is fantastic for treating metabolic syndrome, or syndrome x. It can actually reverse the clinical a...more
Yoga For The Elderly
...every class.To do so, seniors should realize that practicing Yoga for the elderly takes into account gradualism. My special interest is Yoga for the elderly and for arthritis sufferers. Yoga for the elderly can improve circulation and minimize arthritis and digestive disorders caused by inactivity. More i...more
More about the Religious Impasse of Hatha Yoga and "The New Age Movement"
... Hatha Yoga and "The New Age Movement" The foundations of Yama and Niyama are, in fact, from Hinduism. Hinduism is easily the oldest of today’s major religions. Is this a bad thing? Universal principles of tolerance and non-harming are found within all religions. When one of us believes that we follow the only true path, the one true religion, or the only religion recognized by...more
