
Yoga Cl Rowlett Texas


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... fully present. Although you may have tasted this blissful place for a moment, tantric discipline enables you to live in this state permanently. When you find that deep heart space with your lover, the flow of sexual energy opens you both to a new dimension where the joining of energy and consciousness becomes a microcosm of the Divine Union.A loving relationsh...more
How to Use Yoga to Alleviate Stress
...e body leaving us feeling depleted or overwhelmed.The consequence of this is that the immune system weakens causing illness and fatigue, mood swings, lack of focus, and irritabilitySince we are often engaged in many tasks at once, and feeling that we are constantly on the go, it should come as come as no surprise that it seems difficult to relax these days.Thankfully, Yoga innately...more
The Purpose of Yoga- Yogic Walking for Anxiety
...r health will change for the best in a multitude of ways.Yogic walking is good aerobic exercise and prevents many diseases, anxiety, and depression. Your heart, vital organs, bones, joints, connective tissue, and muscles will benefit from Yogic walking. You may control, or lose weight, by practicing Yogic walking.Maybe you ...more
Headache Relief - Gentle Exercises to Soothe the Pain Away
...n know that you have had a headache or have treated it!There are a number of books and DVDs that teach this technique, but again some personal instruction is highly recommended, as it lets you see and, equally important, feel the technique at work. Your local acupuncturist should be able to teach you the locations of the relevant pressure points, and how to appl...more
Ancient Wisdom in Modern Yoga
...f the Iyengar Yoga Institute of New York, elaborates: “Yoga deals with timeless questions so it is relevant whether we are speaking of the contemporary world or a historical context.”According to, the term, yoga, is “derived from the Sanskrit root, yuj, to join, to unite, to attach.” A further implication is that a practitioner of yoga, a y...more
