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The Purpose of Yoga: The Big Picture
...athe, sit up straight, walk in good posture, and be mindful at any time.Now consider this: How many problems can you solve at once? You may be able to multi-task, but in reality, you must solve problems one at a time. As a result, you can write a list today and prioritize tomorrow’s challenges. You can even add hourly deadlines to them, if you wish.This ...more
Free Yoga Classes: A Lesson for Yoga Teachers
...parallel comparisons to similar fields.Let’s look at some mistakes, which the fitness industry has made and learn from them; before any Yoga teachers experience similar financial ruin. Fitness is preventative health maintenance, and good health is very valuable. Anyone who is in good health should “count their lucky stars.” If you are not in good health - your poor state of healt...more
What Should a Hatha Yoga Teacher Know? - Part 2
...h can sometimes hurt people deeply, so you must use your best judgment when you want to avoid harming someone, but do not lie.Asteya: This is to avoid stealing in any way. This is a simple principle, but throughout history, laws were sometimes modified to justify stealing. The problem is the desire of something - to the point of jealousy, and finally – outright...more
The Second Chakra, The Dwelling Place of the Self
...ut of control behaviour¥ Emotional outbursts or unpredictable dramatic behaviourThe second chakra is associated with the warmth of the colour orange, the fruit orange, all sweet tasting foods and liquids. "Svadhisthana" is associated with the sense of taste, especially sweet things!In yoga practice, all forward bends and backbends (seat...more
Yoga for Fibromyalgia Sufferers - The Ups and Downs
...s required, wear loose clothing or even your underwear, or swimwear. Some people find the morning easier, others late at night, experiment with different times. Practice at least 3 days a week and ideally every day. Practice outside in the fresh air if weather and temperature allows. Study books on the subject too, but a...more
