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The Truth About Options for Yoga Teachers; Part 2
...on for Yoga instructors by most of the certifying bodies.Due to time constraints, family commitments, and working a full time job -Yoga teachers often find Yoga teacher training correspondence courses to be a convenient way to expand on their existing knowledge of Yoga.Now, let’s take a close look at options for specialization in the Yoga t...more
Yoga Teacher Training
... “Yoga For Transformation” and speaks regularly at major yoga conferences across the world.But Gary is also known as being an outspoken advocate for a revolution in way yoga is taught and practiced in the western world.His viniyoga teacher training emphasizes changing and adapting postures, breathing and sequences to each individual with the...more
Could a Blind Man Become a Yoga Teacher?
... into a case in which a Hatha Yoga teacher, who had been teaching for years, was being refused from a Hatha Yoga teacher training course. Before anyone gets stirred up over this, and the Act on the Affairs of the Handicapped, in the United States, this story gets better.His wife is also a Hatha Yoga teacher, and they teach Yog...more
The Ancient Practice of Yoga and its Effect on Your Life When you practice yoga, you will not get the best out of it, except when you reach a point where your consciousness and the universal consciousness unite. It makes you spiritually committed to nature, managing your stress, nerves, pain and fatigue. In addition, on practicing it regularly you will notice that your body has never been so flexible before. This is because it enab...more
Easing Stress Naturally - Practice Yoga
...the true meaning of reality.In the ancient world, yoga evolved as a way of cultivating spiritual awareness, compassion and insight. It has been taken to represent the union of the soul and the body.One of the many branches of yoga that penetrated the modern world is Hatha Yoga. This consists of concentration techniques, breathing exe...more
