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Yoga Pilates Basics
...e augments the practice by bringing central stabilization into light as well as training and substance for yoga postures (particularly in the strength to seize). Since Pilates is more about length and potency, Yoga helps to amplify the litheness capability.Many people whose job demands sitting at a desk or driving almost 8 hours a day, gain a lot from Pila...more
The Benefits of Yoga – Yoga for All its own significance. Yoga can be done in the morning or in the evening. A trained instructor is required to teach the person. There are various breathing exercises, which help in relaxing the whole body. There are many standing exercises, deep breathing exercises and exercises, which are done sitting and lying flat.There are many yoga...more
Bhakti Yoga, The Yoga of Love
...r and the deity, the Divine, the Godhead, is the beloved. Bhakti Yoga causes its devotees to be fully aware, to be fully and ever conscious, of the fact that all is the manifestation of the Divine. It causes the veil of ignorance, the veil of the sense of separateness from the Divine, to fall from the eyes, from the consciousness, of the devotee. It...more
Namaste - Yoga Adepts
...hese definitions is the only correct one. Indeed, this very definition could be classified as a sutra, or "mind boggling" expression of a truth. Please note that I did not write "the truth", but "a truth". And I most certainly would not classify the above definition as a sutra, as it would be a lack of true modesty, which is a characteristic of the true...more
The Truth about Options for Yoga Teachers, Part 6
...o gravitate toward each other like a “litter of kittens.”Somehow, Partner Yoga has not grown among adults in the popularity it deserves. In a Partner Yoga class, many students remark at how much they got out of each aspect, including meditation. A relaxation sequence can be performed with the crowns of the two heads being four to ...more
