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Teaching Yoga for Stress Management
..., and possibly more, of doctor visits, are stress related. Stress is a major culprit in illness. Worse yet, stress will make a pre-existing illness worse. If you are seriously ill, one of the last things you need is an extra serving of stress, or anxiety, to go with it.Most Yoga teacher training courses barely scratc...more
How To Ease Back Pain work. Of course, finding a good massage therapist is the best treat!!Considerations:Always ask your Doctor before starting an exercise program. If you have serious back problems, this may not be for you. Definitely review the positions with your provider first. Don't ever push your back into doing anything it doesn't want to do. If it hurts even a tiny little bit...more
Yoga Versus Pilates - Which Should I Do?
...en yoga and Pilates, let’s explain them a little further.Yoga - It came way earlierYoga has been around for over 5000 years. It is something much more than just a way of exercising. In fact, it is a lifestyle change that many people need to take seriously. This type of program is centered on the spiritual healing of the body as well as the physical aspects. It uses a wide ...more
Communication Skills for Yoga Teachers
...ood listener when it comes to all of your students’ questions.Most Yoga teachers do a good job with handling student questions. However, here is something to think about: Do you try to clarify why a question is being asked? Consider that your student may not be clear in his or her communication skills and you need to “get to the heart of the...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - What Do Hatha Yoga Students Want?
...pes of Yoga; the most commonly known are Hatha, Raja (Ashtanga), and Kundalini Yoga. Of these three, Hatha Yoga, and its many sub-styles, have received the most publicity.In general, the public perception of Yoga is classified as a "mind and body exercise." When you ask the average person what that means, he or she will r...more


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